
Affordable Warmth
Cold, damp homes are linked to ill health, lost school days and even early deaths. Low household income, poor heating or insulation and high energy costs contribute to fuel poverty, but there are many schemes in place to help.
1. Conversation starters
This information will enable you to make a brief intervention - ASK, ASSIST and ACT:

Do you find it difficult to keep your home warm, particularly in the colder months?

  • Are you aware of the schemes that exist to keep your home from losing the heat you use?
  • Did you know you can check if you’re entitled to any support towards making your home more energy efficient?

Call this number for help and advice on heating and insulation measures - Energy advice service 0300 1231234  

Do you find it difficult to pay for your heating costs, particularly in the colder months?

Switching suppliers – you may be able to save money by switching your supplier if you haven’t switched recently. Use a reputable comparison service.

Warm home discount scheme – speak to your supplier to see if they provide this service and if you’re eligible for £140 towards electricity.

Local council –  they can provide free support and advice on how you can cut costs depending on your circumstances. 

Are you aware of the schemes that exist to keep your home from losing the heat you use?

It is useful to check if someone is already accessing or aware of any support schemes prior to signposting as there may be certain eligibility criteria for specific schemes. You can then use the search function to advise about local opportunities they may be able to access.

Did you know that your local council may be able to provide support and advice on how you can cut the cost of heating your home depending on your circumstances?

Are you aware of the Priority Services Register?

You are eligible if you:

  • have reached your state pension age
  • are disabled or have a long-term medical condition
  • are recovering from an injury
  • have a hearing or sight condition
  • have a mental health condition
  • are pregnant or have young children
  • have extra communication needs (such as if you don’t speak or read English well).

You might still be able to register for other reasons if your situation isn’t listed. For example, if you need short-term support after a stay in hospital. 

Are you aware of where you can get a warm welcome in your local community?

Warm Welcome Spaces are opening their doors to local communities, offering everyone a free, warm, welcoming and friendly space. Why not explore your local Warm Welcome Space, it’s a great place to connect with your community and to make new friends.

Visit the bottom of the webpage to find a link to search local spaces available.

2. Search Affordable Warmth local services

Other useful regional services:

Further information & links
This section contains useful advice and links which will automatically be sent to users along with the link to the local service you have recommended.

Make savings on your energy bills 

Switching suppliers – you may be able to save money by switching your supplier if you haven’t switched recently. Use a reputable comparison service.

Warm home discount scheme – speak to your supplier to see if they provide this service and if you’re eligible for £140 towards electricity.

Local council –  they can provide free support and advice on how you can cut costs depending on your circumstances. 

Visit OFGEM price comparison service to find a reputable comparison site- follow link below:


Pension Credit

Use this collection of materials to help older people understand how they could get Pension Credit. This toolkit is for anyone who works with pensioners. Use it to help older people understand how they may get extra money every week by:

  • increasing understanding in your organisation
  • helping your customers find out if they could get Pension Credit
  • The toolkit contains:
  • guidance to help you understand Pension Credit
  • information to help you support someone applying for Pension Credit
  • common reasons why pensioners don’t claim
  • ideas for events and dealing with the media
  • useful contacts

The Pension Credit toolkit can be accessed here

Difficulties paying energy or debts

  • Try contacting your supplier initially or get advice from the national debtline on: 0808 808 4000
  • You can also try the StepChange Debt Charity on: 0800 138 1111
  • Call the Energy Advice Line for help and advice on heating and insulation measure: 0300 1231234  


Switch off appliances (at the plug) that are not in use and save approximately £30 a year.


Energy saving light bulbs will last up to ten times longer than an ordinary standard light bulb. You could save approximately £45 a year by switching to energy saving light bulbs.


Use lids on saucepans. Food will not only cook quicker but will save money on your cooking fuel.

Only boil the amount of water that you need when making a cup of tea.


When using your washing machine, always wash with a full load or if available use a half load programme for smaller loads.

Wash your clothes at 30°C.

Hang out your clothes to dry in warm weather.

Heating and Hot Water

Turn your thermostat down by 1°C you could save between £80 and £85.

Fit a hot water tank jacket to your hot water cylinder. This will keep your water hotter for longer.

Installing a new A rated condensing boiler you could save approximately £340 a year.

Set your timer to heat your property only when you need it.

Reducing showering time to 4 minutes could save a family of four up to £80 a year.

Smell gas?

If you think you can smell gas call the National Gas Emergency Service. Call 0800 111 999

OFGEM Price Comparison Service

Energy Saving Trust

Citizen Advice Guide

NHS Winter Health

Get extra help with the Priority Services Register

Energy Networks

National Energy Action

Northern Gas Networks

Warm Welcome